It is easy to see why Canada is rapidly becoming a perfect place for life. With its public safety, good economy and high employment rates, it seems like Canada has no flaws. All of this is the reason why more and more people are considering moving to Canada year after year. If you are one of those people, this article is for you. Here is how you can move to Canada and remain stress-free.

1. Find out whether you are eligible to enter the country before moving to Canada
You can find so many different moving tips and trick on the internet these days. However, our number one tip for you is to find out whether you can reside in Canada before getting your hopes up. Before we get into the ways of gaining an entry to Canada, let`s first mention a couple of things that could disqualify you immediately:
- Moving to Canada is harder if you have a criminal record.
- A bad financial situation could prevent you from moving to Canada.
- Good health is important if you want to move to Canada.
Secondly, there are generally two ways of gaining a stress-free entry to Canada. The first one is through a family member whose permanent residence is already in Canada, and who will sponsor your move. The second one is through an Express Entry for skilled workers. You can successfully move to Canada if you speak English or French, and have a working experience in professions that are needed. An Express Entry for skilled workers is generally the most widespread way of moving to Canada.
2. Calculate the cost of living before moving to Canada
We won`t lie to you. Canada is not the cheapest country. Therefore, before moving to Canada, you need to get familiar with the cost of living in Canada. People are usually surprised to find out that there are different additional charges to a lot of things, such as sales charges. So the amount you see on the menu is not how much you will pay at the register. Moreover, the price of a lot of produce varies daily. This variation depends on the current ratio between the Canadian dollar and the US dollar.
To give you an idea of the prices in Canada, we will mention the following:
- An average restaurant meal in Canada costs around fifteen Canadian dollars.
- A cinema ticket will set you back for thirteen Canadian dollars.
- Fuel costs four Canadian dollars per gallon.
Do the necessary research and see for yourself if you can afford to live in Canada.

3. Find a residence before moving to Canada
It is very important that you find a place to live before you relocate to Canada. Your move will be less stressful if you know that you already have a place secured. The first thing you need to do is figure out the city or town you want to live in. Different rules exist for both small and big cities. For example, downsizing from a house to a condo in Toronto, or any other big city is crucial. An apartment will be much cheaper to live in than a house. What you also need to know is that there are a lot of hidden costs of moving houses in Toronto and all the other cities, so you need to be careful.
Moreover, by finding a place before your move, you will know how much money you need for rent monthly. This will help you stay on track and control your finances each month. Knowing that you are financially stable will help you keep stress to a minimum.
4. Find a job as soon as possible
Being unemployed is one of the most stressful experiences a person can go through in their lives. Luckily for you, Canada has great employment rates. However, like we mentioned, Canada is an expensive country. Therefore, you will need to get a job as soon as possible if you want to live comfortably and stress-free in Canada.
New immigrants to Canada might have some trouble finding a job. If you are one of them, be prepared to devote a lot of your time and energy in search of a job. Do it sooner rather than later, if you want to avoid the additional stress after moving to Canada.

5. Get Canadian citizenship
This step is something you can do only after moving to Canada. If you like Canada, it is a logical step. After all, we assume that is why you moved to the country in the first place. What are the requirements of getting Canadian citizenship? Here they are:
- You have to be living in Canada for at least three years before you are eligible to get its citizenship.
- It is necessary that you are at least eighteen years old.
- The ability to fluently speak English or French is also crucial.
- Before getting Canadian citizenship, you need to pass a Canadian government and politics exam.
By meeting all of the requirement, you will be that much closer to your dream life in Canada. And it truly is a perfect one, if you don`t mind the cold and snowy weather.

Moving out of your home is never easy. Moving to a different country is even harder. However, trust us when we say that moving to Canada is one of the best things that can happen to you in your lifetime. Canada is truly a country of equal opportunities for everyone. You will see for yourself how warm and polite everyone is. We gave you a lot of things to consider before moving to this country. Follow our tips and keep your move as stress-free as possible.